Paid to be sexist.
If you are a boy chick, within a day of being born (hatched), you will be separated from the rest of the gang. You’ll never get to know your mother and your siblings. You, with no egg laying capacity, are of no use to the chicken-egg framer and of no use to the chicken-meat man as your flesh will not be good enough, no breasts, see!
So chicken-sex experts known as ’sexers’, separate you from the female chicks. You,a male, will be grabbed by the neck, or a leg or a fragile wing, and hurled down a chute. Panic and scream for mother and wave your wings about all you want. Your tiny body will rush down mutilating you as you toss about. But don’t fret you are still alive.
Alive, torn you go into a grinding machine. You have been saved … as feed. You are now food for other animals that feed humans and their lucky pets. You’ll never know what happiness or love is. A family, nature and sunshine and the joy of playing on green cool grass. No one will know you, your intelligence, curiosity and sensitivity.
But take heart, you are not alone – over 30 million male chicks are disposed of in a year by us humans.