“You Mean The World To Me”
Hokkien Movie You Mean the World to Me
A Penang Hokkien movie.
Saw Teong Hin’s semi-autobiographical script written by him and set in Penang, where he grew up, portrays scenes that show much of the island’s past and present uniqueness. It’s his personal story of not being able to live and deal with his drunk father, and with having to see his mother’s life turn desperate. She had to cope with financial difficulties and care for his autistic older brother, besides looking after his sister and him. He walked away, leaving all responsibilities to his sister. He even missed his parents’ and brother’s funerals. Saw’s story, true to life, is one everyone can relate to. A story funny and sad, never verging on sentimentality. A story of many things left unsaid and unresolved.
Saw says, “Your parents are the easiest people to take for granted as you think it is their responsibility to care for you.”

Lost Love
If there were no subtitles the scenes would still speak for themselves beautifully due to the brilliant cinematography of Christopher Doyle. The unfolding story and the flashbacks are seamlessly woven, causing no confusion. Doyle’s perfect style of framing and camera movement gets us deeply involved, and his quiet slow pace makes for a meditative flow. Doyle, a multi-award winner who has collaborated with director Wong Kar-Wai in many well-known films, is the perfect cinematographer.
You Mean The World To Me is a film of an international quality.
Director – Saw Teong Hin
Cinematographer – Christoper Doyle
Main characters
Frederick Lee …Sunny
Neo Swee Lin …Cheng, mother
John Tan …Ah Boy, brother
Yeo Yann Yann …Hoon, sister
Produced by Astro Shaw and Real Films
Theme song by Taiwanese Zhao Chuan titled Kam Sia Li (Thank You in Hokkien).
Original title Hai Kinn Xin Loo, the old Hokkien name for Penang’s Victoria Street, (new road by the sea front) was first performed as a play.