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October 26, 2011 Writing 4 Comments


November 2011, the 13th Annual National Novel Writing Month

November, our Writers Month is here. NaNoWriMo, Nation Novel Writing Month has become more of a World Wide Writing November. On the 1st of November you start writing and continue to the end, 30th November, a 50,OOO-word novel (same year, within that one month, you may well note). it is a workable goal and important to many of us who ‘talk’ about writing and do no writing to talk about. It’s getting started that is the hardest.

The Novella can be any genre. 50,000 words don’t really a novel make, more a novella, but it can become a novel. Once inspired you would want to continue writing and may end up with a 500-page novel.

NaNoWriMo involves planning, thinking, and furiously writing a readable prose. A plan set out for us. A timetable to keep to. 50,000 words is the minimum. Keep to the goal each day, but writing more than required would be better.

It would be a very good idea to prepare a rough outline or guide, a storyline before the 1st of November, an idea of the plot and the characters that have been running around in your head. No pre-written, stuff of course, for you’d defeat the purpose of this challenge. There is no time for research, so writing what one knows would be best. Not much time to plan for many chapters either.

Whether one writes less or more it is a good exercise in training the mind to focus and to write in flow, the pressure to get some writing done.

Only those with tremendous courage and discipline need apply. Get started, get that creative rush.

Sign up here:http://www.nanowrimo.org/

Good Luck.

Let me know below how you get along.

What am I going to be doing? Need to clean out my wardrobe, bring out the winter wear. Need to look good for my Mr Mac.

Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. Laura Besley says:

    Hi Leela!

    I think I might give it a try! Quite exciting and no idea if I can do it, but time will tell…

    • Yes, try it, should prove quite a challenge. May have to set a fixed time, early morning or late night when distractions are few, tell me how you go.

  2. Dani says:

    I am definitely participating this year. It will be my third. I’m vacillating between feeling very confident and totally in over my head, which is about par for the course at this stage.

    Good luck to everyone!

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Floating Petals
Bathing Elephants
The Darjeeling Affair