Partners in Crime
Partners in Crime
It was them alright
There they were, like regular tycoons in a limo
Looking straight ahead, impressive, real cool
Waiting for a signal, no doubt
Or, were they waiting for the traffic lights to change
The whole force had been on the lookout
I spotted them straight away, well almost
There were those tell-tale designer bags
Five or more, in the back seat. The missing diamonds
Had to be, too many recent jewellery heists in the vicinity
It’s no wonder I’m known as the Queen of Wanchai
Erm, I mean, Queen of Wanchai Detectives
I knew I had one shot, one shot only ‘Get them Girl’, I said
I whipped out my Canon, just in time for that shot
The lights changed to green, they pulled away
Zoom! Gone!
Left me coughing and spluttering in exhaust fumes.
Leela Panikar