Leela Devi Panikar

Short-story collection, 14 stories, 238 pages
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The Darjeeling Affair -- high adventure in the Himalayas.

Tsuru-ran -- love, loss and calligraphy.

Retaliation -- murder in Hong Kong.

Ginger Lily Lady -- the price of getting old.

Green -- where children didn't go.

The Gravedigger -- will turn your hair white.

The Boy from Afar -- stranger in a strange land.

The Phantom Visitor -- an unexpected friend.

A Tin Basin of Warm Ash -- the challenge of burying a Chinese husband.

An Extraordinary Ordinary Day -- a boy's confusing war.

The Singeing Shadow -- don't breathe and don't open the door.

A Special Gift -- the leopard changs its spots.

The Other Side of the Hedge -- high-jumping for friendship.

The Sexy Send-off -- saying goodbye in style ... a true story.

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Copyright 2017 Leela Devi Panikar